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WWE World Title Match

AJ Styles defends his title against John Cena and Dean Ambrose in the a triple threat match. The opening of the PPV had a twist right away by having all 3 man go into war for the crown jewel. Cena had nothing to lose as he was once again back in the title picture after brief time in the mid-card. If Cena where to win this would make it his 16th time winning the world title and tieing with the legendary Ric Flair who has already gave him his blessing “Records where meant to be broken”. This would make Dean Ambrose's second title reign if he were to become the champion. As for AJ Styles, this would make it his second title defense. As for the match itself, it had some memorable moment. Is it a match of the year? ehh. No, but all 3 man preformed.

Excellent and the high caliber their know to do at WWE No Mercy. Majority of the match had finishers and kick outs but once AJ was trapped by both Cena and Ambrose in where he tapped to the their submission. A bit of confusion for the refe and the crowd. Which I even thought AJ had been eliminated luckily he was allowed back in the match successfully defended his title like any heel would by using a chair and going for the pin.

Queen of Reality TV v.s. Staten Island's finest

Nikki Bella and Carmella go at in an on going feud with one another. As Carmella has been constantly attacking Nikki and aiming for surgery repair neck. The match was brief and ended with the newly modified rack attack.

Pool Party Team Heath Slater & Rhyno Vs The Usos for The Smack Down tag team titles

Slater & Rhyno defend their newly Smack Down tag titles against The Usos who have recently turn heel. They feel that the WWE universe has turn their backs against them and in return they have turn heel as every time they go out to perform on the square circle to constantly be booed by the crowds which doesn't help so they have a new attitude of “Doing what we want and taking what we want”. The match was a filler at best and belong as an opening but then again who wants to see The Usos go for the tag titles when you have the likes of American Alpha, The Hype Bros, and The Vaudevillians. Slather performance in the ring is getting better and better. Rhyno has my vote to be mayor if I could vote in his county.

The lone Wolf and The Real American Jack Swagger Vs Baron Corbin

For a match that was put in last minute and later throughout the paper view. Really belong at the kick off show but giving these guys an opportunity to showcase of what they got and put on a match that was alright at best but Smack Down Commissioner and GM are giving these guys decent tv time. Which is something their sticking too and I can except the match for being put in the time slot it got. The match ended with Corbin finisher “The End of Days”. Should this feud between the two continue…Please God No.

The Show off Vs Hollywood A lister A Career Vs Title Match

This match had Dolph Ziggler riding everything on the line as he's been with the company since 2004 and for the most part hasn't evolved but when a guy has already given everything that he gots and has nothing left to lose will he preform at a five star level. The Miz had nothing really to lose but the title and for the most part you got to give credit where credit is due. He has manage to put prestige to that title and has drawn in legitimate heel heat with his recent shoot on Daniel Bryan and his promos with Ziggler. This match stole the show thanks to these two work horses. Dolph Ziggler keeping his career in The WWE and becoming a five time five time five time Intercontinental Champion. Defeating The Miz with a “Super Kick”. A move that has been water down maybe he can bring it back to it's glory like Shawn Michaels once did.

Women's Title Match Scratch

The current WWE Smack Down Women's Champion Becky Lynch was pulled from the card last minute due to injury and was replaced with a repackaged neon lights please don't give me a seizure Japanese animated series Naomi Vs Alexis Bliss. They put on a decent match for it being last minute change but that couldn't even save it, I sound like a Mark but maybe it's because before the match even started rumors were running around being reported that Eva Maria was returning as sisters Abigail. Not that it would've been any better but I'm glad this match took place and for what I seen had some decent spots. Naomi defeating Bliss was not a wise decision making her look weak and a potential threat to the current Smack Down Women's Champion when she returns.

The hunter becomes the hunted The Eater of worlds Vs The Viper

A match that has been build up since Back Lash where Randy Orton was unable to compete due to Bray Wyatt attacking him back stage. This was angel since the real reason had to do with Orton not being medically clear to compete. Since then the two have been going back and forth on Smack Down with some interesting segments. This match was set to be the main event for No Mercy. It was an okay match at best considering that the opening was for the WWE Wolrd Title and from there is a little hard to keep up the momentum. Orton end up losing which I was fine with the lost since Wyatt needed more with the help of returning Luke Harper that distracted Orton allowing Bray to hit sister abigail.


WWE No Mercy was an overall 6/10 Pay Per view. The General Manager Daniel Bryan and Commissioner Shane McMahon took some risk for this event and can't blame as this takes out the reparation of a standard WWE PPV and gave us “ WWE Universe “ something different that we can as the fans appreciate.

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